Check out the videos below to see just some of the blessings in our Ministry!
Our Missionary Campus is a place of rest, comfort and shelter. It is where we share, have our meals, rest, do our devotionals and prepare as we get ready to serve the village people.
Comfortably fits a group of 30.
Solar Electricity
Solar Hot Water Heaters
Room Accommodations
Large Social Areas
Laundry Machines
60,000 Patients Treated/care for
Over $270,000 usd. spent on treatments, meds, surgeries
Helped train, educate and employ 60 women in craft making, home making, sanitary hygiene, child care and spiritual aspects.
First Pentecostal Church in Village
First real building where people can gather to worship together
94 people gave their lives to Christ as of January 2023
Over 1,500 Children dedicated to the Lord
Weekly Feeding Program for over 500 kids
47 orphans sponsored in Boarding School
238 students enrolled in school for three years
Installed pipes for National Water, that provides water for entire Village.
Pay monthly village water bill
680 families received Solar Sets for electricity
Hundreds of families received bunk beds, mattresses, blankets
600 families received chickens & avocado trees
Thousands of families were given clothing, shoes, soap, food essentials and Bibles
Built home for widow with 5 children
Repaired several homes for others needy families
Built home for epileptic and half blind orphan
Built home for family of 10, that lost home to fire
First Primary School in Village area of over 5,000 kids, without an opportunity for an education
238 Students enrolled as of 2023
Free Education
Local Employment & Job Security
Life Changing Skills
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BBB Ministries of Uganda

Education in All Forms

Construction of Primary School