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Show Your Support

We live in such a fast-paced world that our time is truly a precious commodity. I know what it's like to barely have two weeks off in corporate America, and try to prioritize how to best spend that time. 

We are so grateful for people taking the time to physically come and help. It means making a sacrifice. But I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that it will be the best thing you ever do. 

We've worked really hard at keeping a well balanced schedule for volunteers so that they not only bless our community and give back, but that they leave re-focused, re-energized, well rested and fulfilled. 


You don't need a great talent or expertise in a field, in order to be incredibly helpful. There are many ways in which we can use willing, open-hearted people to give their time to change Uganda. We do ask that you come with a Christlike mentality, willing and open-minded for the unexpected to happen.


If you are interested in volunteering, or finding out more about opportunities to be a part of what we're doing, simply complete the info below, copy and paste and email it to

We look forward to working together!

Volunteer Your Time: Get Involved
Volunteer Your Time: Contact
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