So a little over one week ago, some of my dearest friends came together to throw me a fundraiser to help me financially prepare for my move to Uganda. I truly felt so loved and supported by all of them! I know some might not agree with the notion of helping sustain missionaries financially, but I am really grateful that I've been blessed with people in my life that see the value of giving further than me, and giving in such a manner that through me, they are able to make an impact all the way in Uganda, Africa. So I wanted to share some of that love, support, laughter and fun from that day!Â
When we try being rockettes and totally fall apart! LOL
AMAZING homemade food... made by Laura, Adrianne, & yours truly :))
Beyond the food being amazing, we had fun letting loose, enjoying a few fun games and lots of great enthusiastic conversations!
We ended the day with a Q & A and prayer session. Below are the questions these dear friends asked.

Will I be adopting an adult? (not going to lie, this one was hilarious!! LOL)
What is the adoption process going to be like with Moses? And how did this decision come about?
What will you be doing there?
Where will you be staying?
How can people continue to help sustain you financially?
Where will the money go?
Stay tuned for my next blog with the answers. :)) Hope you  enjoyed reading this and had a few hearty laughs along the way!!